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Our History

The Soledad-Mission Recreation District is a special district of Monterey County. It receives a portion of the property taxes paid by property owners to the County. The property tax assessments are $0.17 on every $100 paid. This assessment has not been changed since the District's inception in 1962. The money go towards operating costs associated with the District thus allowing program costs to remain low.

The District is guided by a volunteer Board of Directors, and reports to the County Supervisors office. The District administrator is Executive Director, Frances Bengtson.

The Recreation District was founded in 1962. For 12 years the founding Board collected money, donations, and volunteered their time and resources in order for the indoor 25 meter Soledad Pool to be built at 570 Walker Dr. in Soledad.

For the next 15 years the Recreation District opened the pool every summer, provided swim lessons, day camps, movie nights. In the 80's the Pool became the main activity of the District, the fiscal challenge of operating a indoor community pool, sent other community programs to the chopping block.

The Pool was always a summer time attraction, and in 2000 the Soledad Pool opened year round for the first time. In 2001, new programs began to emerge, programs like Summer Day camp, Tennis, First Tee Golf, Track, and Movies in the Park. Over the next 7 years the Recreation District went from an organziation in the red to an organization on the rise. In 2008, a complete renovation of the Pool Room was completed after lots of hard work on behalf of the Board of Directors, and then Executive Director- Stacey Wilson.

The downturn in the economy directly affected the Recreation District, reducing vital operating funds. However by maintaining quality service, keeping program costs down, and keeping a consistent vision the Recreation District has increased program participation in almost every category. Check us out and see if there is something for you!